Forest Walks In The Otways

If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, If a blade of grass springing in the fields has the power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice for your soul is alive. – Eleonora Buse

Sights to Find on The Zaborin Walk

For those seeking a deeper connection with nature, there is a kilometer rainforest Forest Therapy Trail; on the property; “The Zaborin Walk” meaning a place in the forest to ‘sit to forget’. This theme is a derivation of Japanese Zen terminology.

Awake in the wild meditation is a unique way to be in nature. As Sarah McLean aptly says: “meditation is an essential travel partner on your journey of personal transformation. Meditation connects you to your soul, and this connection gives you access to your intuition, your heartfelt desires, your integrity, and the inspiration to create a life you love.” The thing about meditation is you become more and more you. This nature connection enhances the meditation experience; as guests can be guided by invitations along their “slow walk” to engage all senses and soak in the moment. Heather says “we often forget we are nature in the rush of a digital world. With population density in cities, this nature connection is lost and we lose the deeper connection with ourselves. In human evolution, people were immersed in the natural environment and had a symbiotic connection with it”. The research based therapeutic benefits of being amongst trees are bountiful; including stress reduction which has a multi-factorial impact on disease processes.

William Shakespeare once said, “0ne touch of nature makes the whole world kin” ….only spread a fern frond over a man’s head and worldly cares are cast out and freedom and beauty and peace come in” John Muir.

I have been planting multi lingual peace poles along the nature trail with the silent prayer “May Peace Prevail on Earth”. The reflective prayer is in 28 languages at present. Heather feels the message for world peace and inner peace bode well with the philosophy at Qii House and serves as a gentle reminder that all things great and small are connected.

Read more about forest bathing here:

The Track is Always Evolving

The track is always evolving; Heather has been working on a number of projects with John, a local artisan who has made some beautiful embellishments for the rainforest walk sourced from the property; including seating, tables and hand rails, and steps in accordance with guidelines from the Director of Forest Therapy Australasia as part of the international accreditation process.

“In summary, the Consultant encourages Qii House to proceed with its laudable, ambitious and timely plans to enrich the upmarket property with an ANFTA-Certified Forest Therapy Trail conforming to international standards. In My Nature is pleased to assist Qii House and its staff and representatives along this journey to make this project a fruitful, mutually beneficial cooperation…. In this regard, I think it’s minds alike to consider marketing Forest Therapy in the format of a ‘Certified Forest Therapy Trail/Space’ at Qii House. “In My Nature” offers this as a consulting service so that people are guaranteed an evidence based nature therapy – everyone is talking about Shinrin-yoku!

Our Forest Therapy Trail 

As a certified forest therapy guide I can visit your lovely space and evaluate the surroundings to implement a forest therapy trail or space with signage – you don’t need more than 1 or 2 kilometres for an immersive and healing Forest Therapy experience. Your guests can meander along this curated trail and deepen their experience with nature. This way, you can also add an element of sharing knowledge and educate more people on the benefits of spending time in nature, the Shinrin-yoku way. A certified trail will attract more people to explore the beautiful forests surrounding the Qii House to experience the benefits of immersing in nature in a new way!

Qiihouse Lorne will be the first such location to introduce this concept to visitors in the Otways – you will be offering a dose (or many doses) of the “Medicine of the Forest.”

Susan Joachim Director of Forest Therapy Australasia.

Heather is also currently researching the indigenous flora along the track and has made plaques with notations detailing both common and botanical names to enhance the learning experience. In her next project, she will be working with Dean Smith Dancing Bear; sculptor extraordinaire, on a monster masterful wood and bronze sculpture along the rainforest walk. “I am absolutely thrilled with the way it is all coming together”.

“When we go into a forest that has not been interfered with by humans, our thinking mind will only see disorder and chaos all around us. It won’t even be able to differentiate between life (good) and death (bad) anymore, since everywhere new life grows out of rotting and decaying matter.

Only if we are still enough inside, and the noise of thinking subsides, can we become aware that there is a hidden harmony here, a sacredness, a higher order in which everything has its perfect place, and that it could not be anything other than what it is, and the way it is at that very moment.

The thinking mind is more comfortable in a landscaped park because that has been planned through thought; it has not grown organically. There is an order there that the thinking mind can understand.

In the forest, there is an incomprehensible order that to the thinking mind looks like chaos. It is beyond the mental categories of good and bad. It cannot be understood by thought, but we can sense it when we let go of thought, when we become still and alert, without trying to understand or explain it. Only then can we be aware of the sacredness of the forest.

As soon as we sense that hidden harmony, that sacredness, we may realise that we are not separate from it, and when we realise that, we become a conscious participant in it. In this way, nature can help us to become realigned with that perfect wholeness, that oneness of all of life.”

Eckhart Tolle.

Feel the Vibe and Come Alive!

Qii house is an out of box experience. Savor the moment in fresh mountain air, in the ancient otways eco-system, where focus is shifted to the art of living in harmony with nature’s rhythm.

Forest Therapy Insights


Wellness Retreat Of The Year

Wellness Retreat Of The Year

Qii House Lorne Holistic Wellness Retreat Of The Year – Australia 2024 We at Qii House were honoured and delighted to be part of the Australian Prestige Awards again in 2024. We are again truly AMAZED and such proud recipients of this years’ award. This exciting news...

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Australia’s Best Businesses by AUSBRB

Australia’s Best Businesses by AUSBRB

Qii House Lorne is thrilled to announce its recent recognition by the Australian Business Review Board (AUSBRB) as one of the Best Businesses in Australia for 2024. This prestigious acknowledgment is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Steve Hoffman and the AUSBRB for this honour, and we’re excited to continue serving our community with the highest standards of quality and service.

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Cultural Exchange with Richard Collopy

Cultural Exchange with Richard Collopy

Cultural exchange and being on country. I had a recent cultural exchange with Richard Collopy (gadubanud indigenous person from the Otways). It was amazing! For the Gadubanud indigenous people, Nyernilia means something like a deep respectful listening in quiet...

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What makes Qii House the perfect setting for your eco wedding in the Otways?

Qii House is secluded within a lush, green rainforest canopy in the heart of the Otways National Park and is a honeymooners dream escape. The abundance in natural fauna and flora at your doorstep; exclusivity, stillness and romanticism is an eco-tourists paradise.

After the hustle and bustle of your BIG day it is the perfect space to wind down for an extended stay. Why not relax in simple luxuriance of the tree -tops on the under floor lit sunset deck sipping champagne with delicious chocolates or cookies from the deluxe Qii house gift -wrapped hamper. Drift into the night under the stars on the comfy daybeds listening to a bush orchestra and enjoy simple pleasures in stillness. Complimentary aromatic candles are included to add an extra touch. The “fan-shaped” deck is elevated and is the perfect platform for star- gazing and animal spotting through the Qii house giant red telescope. For those who love to go star crazy!

Eco-Tourism attractions in the area

There are ample eco-tourism attractions close by for an adventurous heart, including 10 waterfalls within a 10km radius, copious hiking and mountain bike tracks, canoeing at Lake Elizabeth, the Glow worms at Lavers Hill, berry picking farms, fishing off Lorne Pier; Lorne and the “Great Ocean Road” is 15 minutes away, Or for something more relaxing, board games and books are available for use at Qii house, nature hiking sticks, some basic gym items including skipping ropes, kettle bells and medicine balls. Or for the spirited alfresco cook there are outdoor cooking facilities; including a pizza oven and BBQ. In house catering can also be arranged.

Those special extras to make your day perfect

Complimentary spa vouchers for the Bride and Groom or a couple’s massage are available from Endota Spa, Lorne for extended stays of a minimum of 3 days. A mobile masseuse can also be arranged to come onsite. Why not indulge the moment and be pampered in the simple luxuriance of this Australian native bush hide away.

The meditative peace and tranquillity at Qii house is the perfect space for dreamers, for romance, to re-energise and to be one with nature.

Read – Our 10 tips for creating the perfect eco-wedding
Read – Eco Friendly Wedding Ideas
Read – Five Steps To a Sustainable Wedding

For some further needs on your special day, Qii house has some wonderful recommendations:

Wedding planners
The Brides Diary

Qii house is where the best in all worlds meet. In this world if you can dream it you can create it. Enjoy your stay!

Qii Classic Limousine Hire

Add some verve, sleek and spectacular; in star struck fashion and ride like the queen in the back seat of your dream limousine…the Qii house classic Bentley Mulsanne…be a superstar in a super car. The best performer in the world. Take centre stage. Make your day unforgettable, fun and surpass par excellence.